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terça-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2021

Memories of Moritoshi Nakaema, Hanshi (4)

To achieve the spirit of strategy and tactics it is necessary to internalize the nine principles that lead to the right attitude. Sensei Nakaema was guided by the nine paths of Miyamoto Musashi's philosophy. We too follow the same path, which is tried by fire.

1. Don't think dishonesty. Be honest with yourself.

2. The Way is in training. Progress comes from practice.

3. Get in touch with all the arts.

4. Know the path of all trades.

5. Learn to distinguish gains and losses in material matters.

6. Develop intuitive judgment and understanding of things.

7. Realize what cannot be seen.

8. Pay attention even to the seemingly unimportant.

9. Don't do anything that is of no use.

Every student should put these standards of good deed into practice.

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